The Lowe's app offers a suite of tools and access to loyalty program benefits, making home improvement easier than ever. Users can effortlessly store inventory, track online orders, and create personalized favorites lists. Additionally, MyLowe's Rewards and MVPs Pro Rewards members enjoy exclusive savings and benefits directly within the app.

Project Date: May 2022 Platform Web: Android / IOS App My Role: Product Designer Design Tools: Figma Figjam Deliverables UX:Finding Interviews, Scenarios, User Journey, Site Map, User Flow, Persona, Usability Testing, Wireframes, Prototype Low & Hight Fidelity


The Buyer/Admin Purchase Request Flow streamlines the process of approving purchase requests within the organization. It involves collaboration among various dependency teams, including EC, DCC, SFMC and Marketing Communication Team, Loyalty Team, and Application/Web/Mobile Teams. The flow aims to enhance communication and decision-making efficiency by providing administrators with a centralized platform to review and manage purchase approvals. Key features include push notifications for pending PRs, a Purchase Approvals List screen for administrators to view and act on requests, and simplified approval/denial options. Additionally, a potential enhancement includes a Home page notification for quick access to pending PRs. While completing PRs and exploring/pushing ideas are out of scope, future considerations may include a dedicated component for individual PR actions and direct access from push notifications.

Project Requirements

Acceptance Criteria

  • When a buyer submits a PR, we will send a push notification through the apps for org administrators to let the know that they have Purchase Approvals List screen.
  • On the Purchase Approvals List screen, we”ll show all purchase approvals and their current status. The administrator can sort/filter the list screen.
  • for purchase request that are pending approval status, we want to display a simple approve or deny CTA
  • The focus of this feature will be the administrator view for receiving a notification for a pending PR and enable a way for the administrator to easily approve or deny the PR.

Nice to have

  • A simple notification that PR’s are pending on Home that will take user to Purchase Approvals list screen.

Out of Scope

  • Ability to explore/Push Ideas
  • Can we have a home page component for approving and denying individual PR
  • Can we take user directly from push notification into approve/deny flow for individual PR

What I did?

  • Stakeholder interviews
  • User Interviews
  • Persona
  • Scenarios
  • User journey
  • Creating wireframes
  • usability testing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Low-fidelity Prototypes
  • High fidelity prototypes


The mapping step in UX design is essential for organizing and visualizing the structure, flow, and interactions of the user experience. This step includes creating various maps and diagrams that serve as blueprints for the design and development phases. Basically comprehensive understanding of the user's journey, the information architecture, and the flow of interactions.

User Journey Mapping:

  • Define User Personas: Start by clearly defining the user personas based on research and data.
  • Identify Key Tasks: List the key tasks and goals each persona needs to achieve within the product.
  • Visualize the Journey: Create user journey maps that illustrate the steps users take to accomplish these tasks, including their interactions, touchpoints, and pain points.
  • Highlight Emotions: Note the user's emotional state at each stage to understand frustrations and satisfaction levels.

Information Architecture (IA) Mapping:

  • Content Inventory: Compile a comprehensive list of all the content and features the product will include.
  • Organize Hierarchically: Structure the content into a hierarchy, showing the relationships between different sections and pages.
  • Sitemap Creation: Develop a sitemap that visually represents the organization of content, navigation paths, and the overall structure of the website or application.

Customers Experience Goals

By focusing on the following customer experience goals, the organization can create a positive experience for internal buyers, fostering efficiency, transparency, and satisfaction throughout the purchase request approval process.

  • Transparency: Providing customers (in this case, internal buyers within the organization) with transparency into the status of their purchase requests ensures they are kept informed throughout the approval process.
  • Efficiency: Streamlining the approval process through push notifications and a centralized Purchase Approvals List screen helps customers save time and effort in managing their purchase requests.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that administrators can easily access and manage purchase approvals from various platforms (such as web, mobile, and application) enhances accessibility for customers, allowing them to take action wherever they are.
  • Simplicity: Offering a simple and intuitive interface with clear options for approving or denying purchase requests enhances the user experience by reducing complexity and confusion.
  • Prompt Action: Enabling administrators to quickly review and act on pending purchase requests aligns with customer expectations for timely responses and contributes to overall satisfaction with the process.

Who are the Users?

The admin in the context of the purchase request flow described, is an organizational administrator responsible for overseeing and approving purchase requests submitted by buyers within the organization. They typically hold a managerial or supervisory role with authority to review and authorize expenditures on behalf of the organization. The admin buyer plays a crucial role in ensuring that purchase requests comply with organizational policies, budgetary constraints, and procurement guidelines.

Buyer: The buyer is tasked with understanding and adhering to the budget limit set for their purchasing activities. They must carefully consider the budgetary constraints when selecting products or services and ensure that their purchase requests do not exceed the allocated funds.

What is their goal?

As a Buyer, the goal is to successfully complete purchases within the allocated budget limit while meeting the needs of the organization. When the purchase limit is exceeded, the Buyer's objective is to navigate the approval process efficiently and obtain authorization from the Admin to proceed with the purchase. By adhering to budget constraints and obtaining necessary approvals, the Buyer ensures responsible spending and contributes to effective budget management within their department or area of responsibility.

As an Admin, the primary goal is to effectively manage and control purchases within the organization by approving or denying requests from Buyers when they exceed the specified purchase limit. By exercising oversight and decision-making authority, the Admin ensures that purchases align with budgetary constraints and organizational objectives. This goal contributes to maintaining financial discipline, preventing overspending, and optimizing resource allocation across departments or teams.


The sketching step in UX design is an early stage in the design process where designers create rough, hand-drawn representations of the product's interface and layout. This step is crucial for visualizing ideas, exploring different design solutions, and facilitating discussions among team members and stakeholders.

Administrator Sketching Screens

Mapping the Flow:

  • Once the mapping is synthesized, we can begin considering the screens for this flow within the app.

Considering Entry Points:

  • Start with an empty purchase requests screen.
  • Where will the entry points for this flow be located? Email, Notifications and Account menu.

Onboarding Users:

  • An onboarding screen is required to provide learning information for admin users.

Status Screens:

  • Pending, Approved and Denied

Error Screens:

  • Consider designing screens for handling errors.

Purchase Request (PR) Management:

  • How will the user select PRs to approve or deny? What if the user wants to approve or deny PRs in bulk? How can we avoid mistakes when users approve or deny PRs?

Buyer Sketching Screens

Mapping the Flow:

  • Once the mapping is synthesized, we can begin considering the screens for this flow within the app.

Considering Entry Points:

  • Start with an empty purchase requests screen.
  • Where will the entry points for this flow be located? Email, Notifications and Account menu.

Onboarding Users:

  • An onboarding screen is required to provide learning information for admin users.

Status Screens:

  • Pending, Approved and Denied

Error Screens:

  • Consider designing screens for handling errors.

Buyer completing purchase

  • Cconsidering the flow screens to finalize the purchase


The purpose of prototyping is multifaceted and crucial for validating ideas, testing assumptions, and gathering user feedback quickly and efficiently.

Next step will be Validation our Ideas:

Quick Testing: Prototyping allows teams to quickly bring their ideas to life and test them in a tangible form. This helps in assessing whether the concepts meet the intended goals and solve the identified problems. I will get realistic feedback: A prototype provides a concrete representation of the idea, enabling users and stakeholders to give more realistic and specific feedback compared to abstract concepts or sketches.

